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Precious Lord Take My Hand

I saw the movie Selma on opening day with some friends.  It was a very emotional experience. It was an honor to sit and watch surrounded by my “neighbors” and their emotions were audible throughout the film. Just in the background, a couple of times, there was a song.  I don’t know where I know […]

Christians Protecting Christians from Christians

Thanks to my new housemate, Matt, I learned last night that our dear brothers and sisters from Westboro Baptist would be unleashing their particular form of “protest” toward the attendees of the Gay Christian Network conference this morning here in my beloved Portland, Oregon. Well, since I try not to let sh– go down in […]

#StayWokeAdent: A Guest Post by Micky Jones

(This is a guest post from my dear friend, Micky Jones. Please read and consider adding these mediations to your Advent.) Dear Friends, Advent is a time when sentimentality and spiritualization reigns. But, in more ancient forms of Christianity, Advent was more a season of penitence, not unlike Lent. Today, that call for repentance includes […]