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Pope Francis Goes to Confession

I saw this story this morning and wanted to repost it here. In front of the congregation at St. Peter’s, Pope Francis surprised/shocked everyone when he kneeled publicly before a fellow priest and confessed his sins and received absolution. I watched this and immediately broke into tears. It was for me both a great act […]

My Interview on The Dove TV with Perry Atkinson and Patrick Doyle

Here is an interview I recently gave to Dove TV, on their daily talk show “Focus Today”. The interview begins with a bit of my story… spends some times discussing my experiences with Muslims in Albania… continues through my burn-out and recovery… Reed College… and finally some discussions of spiritual health, wholeness, freedom, authenticity and […]

Kriz Family Marble Run

Just an amusing little distraction in the midst of a gloomy Oregon November. Malachi, Hudson and Tristan (along with a little help from Tio Ovi, Baba Tony and Xhaxhai Robbie) spent a rainy Saturday afternoon constructing a large marble run.  I hope you enjoy it (the boys can’t keep their eyes and hands away from […]