Tony Kriz Hero Shot
Speaker, Writer, Thinker.
Neighborhood Theologian.
"Tony knows how to make space for people. Whether he was in a room of 20 or 2000 students, he naturally fostered an environment of authentic dialogue. He was a gift to our campus!"
Jason B. Robertson
Assistant Professor
School of Theology and Christian Ministry
Olivet Nazarene University

About Tony

Husband, Father, Neighbor, Communitarian, Portlander, Friend, Writer, Speaker, Provocateur.


Free E-Book Gift for You

Walk with Tony through Living in the Space Between, a discussion of faith for the 21st Century.



Invite Tony to speak to your church, university or organization.


Music Changed my Life

Mitchell Roush recently asked me, “What album has most transformed you?” As soon as he asked me, I immediately knew my answer. I wrote an article for Mitchell’s website, answering his question.  If you want to read it, you can find it here: Here is a hint: