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This one is pure enjoyment.
Life of Faith in Post-Christian Culture
Here is an audio link from a lecture I recently gave on communicating and living within Post-Christian culture as a follower ofJesus. The thoughts here flow from my recent Doctoral studies on Post-Christian culture and our ever integrating life in Portland’s inner-Eastside.
Initiate a Reconciled Life
Here is a story from one of our chapters in the B@Peace Project. Hear about Rob’s commitment to foster peace with some of the most important people from his story.
Jesus Dojo: Installment #2
Dear Friends, It is time to launch our second installation of the Jesus Dojo. Dojo: Place to learn the way. Jesus: “I am the Way” Our first chapter experimented in the realm of interpersonal reconciliation. Result: everything from “it was a nice process” to “I have been transported to a different universe, nothing is as […]
"Be @ Peace" Project
What does it mean to “Be @ Peace”? A geo-political definition of peace would simply be “not currently at war”. In fact wars end with “peace talks” or a “peace accord”. One day two nations are trying to wipe each other from the face of the earth and the next day they are at peace. […]
What Do You Do When…
You know the way it feels. You have been there, just as I have many times before. How am I supposed to feel? How am I supposed to react? Is it okay to ask if anything is wrong? I am talking about when someone crying, politely dismisses themselves from a group gathering. Try as they […]
Entering the Jesus Dojo
We are trying something that is, quite frankly, a little risky. The Myers family and the Kriz family have committed to an experiment in the Jesus-way. It is action-based, communal spiritual formation. The Jesus Dojo was pioneered in San Francisco by my old friend Mark Scandrette and the folks of ReIMAGINE.
Dr. John Perkins Visits Reed College
One of my living heroes is Dr. John Perkins. The first time that I ever had a chance to be with this contemporary saint was many years ago, when he graciously accepted our invitation to speak to the students at Reed College. The following video tells just a bit of that beautiful story.
Types of "faith"… Time to practice podcast
I recently gave the following talk at a conference that dealt with issues of faith communication in the 21st century. This conference was hosted by The Institute for the Theology of Culture, New Wine-New Wineskins ( Listen and consider how we orient ourselves toward faith, with a specific application to communicating with the other.