Hey friends, I am currently outside of Orlando visiting family. So much of the discussion right now is about the tragic death of 49 souls in an Orlando night club and wounding of dozens more. What is a human being to do with such tragedies? How are we to respond to our neighbors and friends […]
Archive | Audio
RSS feed for this sectionThe Cathartic Cathedral
If you have been around me very long, you have probably heard about my affection for the NPR show, RadioLab. It contains masterful storytelling. Another thing you need to know about me… we lost our young nephew to cancer three years ago. It seems that Ransom is never far from our minds. We miss him. […]
No Back Spaces: Drew Marshall Show Audio
One of my new themes in life is “No Back Spaces.” It is a movement within my public life, to say what I think, the way I think it, with less regard for the political ramifications. It is a change of orientation to not say things in a way that will speak to the “largest […]
Radio Time: Messy Christmas and Bono’s Salvation
One of the many treats in my life is to share a monthly radio segment on WordFM in Pittsburgh during drive time on the John and Kathy Show. This week the conversation was interesting enough to post it here for you. This recording is two hours long. My segment starts at 1:13. Just hit play […]
Friends, Many of you know that my family has had a challenging season. In light of that, we are disconnecting for a spell. Please know that we will be back soon and, prayerfully, with fresh creativity and inspiration. For now, I will say, “See you soon.” Watch, listen and enjoy.
Music Changed my Life
Mitchell Roush recently asked me, “What album has most transformed you?” As soon as he asked me, I immediately knew my answer. I wrote an article for Mitchell’s website, answering his question. If you want to read it, you can find it here: http://www.themitchroush.com/music-changed-me-7-rent/#sthash.6Pu0GYPh.XyQD07xP.dpbs Here is a hint:
CYOA Podcast, Episode 2
Here is the next contribution of the Choose Your Own Adventure Podcast with Wes Cauthers. http://cyoapodcast.wordpress.com/ 41 minutes of: Atheism in Heaven, Religious Identity, The space between conservative and progressive evangelicalism, The insidious power of darkness, Wedding reception encounters, Christ & Cascadia conference, and finally, Processing mega-church tragedy. We are going to try and post […]
New Podcast: “Choose Your Own Adventure Podcast”
My occasional friend, Wes Cauthers, suggested that he and I attempt a podcast. Podcast might even me a misnomer. We are going to try and get to know each other better and all the while hit the record-button while we do it. Wes and I met over a decade ago, and we have bumped into […]
New Podcast: "Choose Your Own Adventure Podcast"
My occasional friend, Wes Cauthers, suggested that he and I attempt a podcast. Podcast might even me a misnomer. We are going to try and get to know each other better and all the while hit the record-button while we do it. Wes and I met over a decade ago, and we have bumped into […]
Interview on the "John and Kathy Show"
Yesterday (September 9th), I was interviewed on the “John and Kathy Show”. They broadcast out of Pittsburgh on Word FM 101.5. You can listen to the discussion here (my interview starts around 1:11:30 of the Tuesday broadcast): http://www.wordfm.com/ContentPages/4784/ Together we process issues of assurance, faith, the gospel, the other and the impact of culture on […]