We needed a chicken coop for our new batch of chickens. Parts and materials can be surprisingly expensive for a project of this size. Instead we went to our neighborhood non-profit salvage company called The ReBuilding Center (rebuildingcenter.org) and found this discarded TV cabinet for just a few dollars. We flipped it upside down, put […]
Archive | Homestead
RSS feed for this section"Biodynamics of the Kingdom": new article in Leadership Journal
I was introduced to a new concept. The term she used was “biodynamics.” My household dabbles in urban homesteading. We try to grow organically. We just finished a greenhouse on our small inner-city lot in the hope of expanding our growing prowess. We have numerous books on gardening. We farm worms and raise chickens to […]
GreenHouse Project Video
We just completed the external structure for our new greenhouse. It was made from mostly salvaged and repurposed parts. I hope you enjoy:
Our GreenHouse is Really Coming Along
Many have been asking about our most recent building project. I promised Aimee, as a birthday present, that I would design and build her a greenhouse this year. Well, the structure is almost done and soon we will be moving to outfit the growing systems inside. Here are a couple of photos to show you […]
Huffington Post Article: We Were Blind: How a Homeless Couple Taught Us To See
I was asked by HuffPost to submit a short article. It was published yesterday. Here is a small excerpt, followed by the link:
Weed-Eater of the Soul
I was working in my yard this weekend. I gave up my gas mower some time ago. Did you know that a gas lawn mower puts out like four times as much pollution as a car? Yikes! My weed-eater though… I have not been able to give it up. I can’t explain it. Maybe it […]
Hope and Food
Have we lost the way of hope? When I say “we”, I mean we “modern, affluent, developed, able, self-actualized” folk. When I say “way”, I mean a real, rooted, dirt under the fingernails, not merely ethereal or the sort of stuff simply for a Sunday-School discussion.
When a rain barrel is more than a rain barrel
Two years ago, during one of our first forays into urban homesteading, my Father’s Day present from Aimee was permission to install our first rain-barrel. It was a romantic thought to me. “Let’s not waste the water-from-heaven gift (even though we receive it some 300 plus days a year), let’s harvest it.”
Neighbors, “Armageddon” and Trap-doors
Truth be told (and this is embarrassing), I am much better at talking about “neighborhood” then I am at simply being a neighbor. I have a hard time getting to know the middle-aged single recluse next door. I have to ask Aimee to remind me the name of Donna’s husband across the street. I struggle […]
Urban chickens and irresponsible spending
Here’s the deal, despite all the sentiment out there about “all the money we will save” through homesteading practices, the reality is that it just doesn’t pencil out. I hate to bust the myth.