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Help Us Build a Hospital for Malnourished Infants

Hey friends, We just got home from 2 weeks in Guatemala with Julie and Sean Hall and their family.  What a great time!! While there, we worked with a non-profit called “God’s Child Project” (  We built a house, distributed food AND… We learned about an incredible opportunity to rescue hundreds of sick and starving […]

Church, Give Back Tax Exemption: Missing the Point

Over the weekend the Oregonian published an article in which I suggest that the American Christian Church should consider giving back her tax exemption to heal one of society’s great wounds, like child hunger or health care. As of this morning, has received over 500 comments on the article and over 1800 shares on […]

PDX Tiny Lofts: a proposal

An Affordable Housing Proposal from Tony Kriz A Uniquely Portland Solution to the Affordable Housing Crisis The Problem: Portland has grown by almost 30,000 households since the year 2000. The Housing Bureau says we need 24,000 new units to be built yesterday to meet the demand. This influx has caused an escalation of rents in […]

New Video: “Out of the Mouths of Babes”

Well, when we (me and a whole host of insanely talented friends) launched the “Generous Life Project” (funded by PushPay) last year, (also known as #GiveLikeGodGives), we knew that we wanted some serious responses to generosity and some humorous one. This video is the latter… but it always shocking to me how humor often carries an even more […]

Save a River, Heal a People

It is a story of good cheer.  It is a story of marginalized people in a forgotten corner of the world.  It is story of love overcoming power.  It is a story of those who tend to critters coming together with gift-giving travelers.  It is the story of a dream… a dream of a better […]

Why Wouldn't I… A New Article at Leadership Journal

I write a monthly column for Christianity Today/Leadership Journal.  My December submission get’s pretty honest. To read the full article go here: Here is a short excerpt: Two days before Peter’s call, I taught my last class at a local college, a place I had grown to love. It was a preaching class—when his number […]

Chicken Coop Made from Repurposed Materials

We needed a chicken coop for our new batch of chickens. Parts and materials can be surprisingly expensive for a project of this size. Instead we went to our neighborhood non-profit salvage company called The ReBuilding Center ( and found this discarded TV cabinet for just a few dollars. We flipped it upside down, put […]

Rethinking Jesus’ Attitude Toward People

Aimee and I are currently following the book “The Ignatian Adventure” by Kevin O’Brien.  Well, if I were being honest, Aimee is following the book and I am following Aimee as she follows the book.  It often works that way.  She is the first to see “the way” and I am running to keep up. […]