Lance Armstrong: Embellishment and Insanity

So this week news broke that Lance Armstrong is a doper. In fact he is more than a doper, he is a cheater and with his cheating he has taken the dreams and imaginations of millions of people and flushed them down the toilet. He has taken a movement of cancer awareness/financial support and dumped […]

God as a “Fairy Tale”? Your input requested…

As a boy I was first introduced to God as a fairy tale. I don’t think anyone intentionally intended to do so, but they couldn’t help themselves. And I can hardly blame them. God was presented as one amongst a whole pantheon of supernatural personalities: Moses, Superman, the Lorax, Santa… Aslan. You can see that […]

Insidious Darkness and Actual Light… in me

The reason this radio diatribe moved me to write is because I am amazed by the insidious inability we humans have to accept the corruption and beauty that coexist in the human heart. This radio host did not have a capacity to discuss the simultaneous presence of darkness and light in this public figure. For […]