Dojo chart from week four

Here is our synthesis work thus far.  It is written in the form of a chart.  We read the four gospels.  We recorded the life and teachings of Jesus, as a series of commands, examples and teachings.  This chart is an attempt to synthesize those teaching into five core categories:  identity, purpose, security, community and personal peace.

There are a few elements present.  Some themes that show how these categories fit together, including their very inspiring connection to the Lord’s Prayer.

You will also notice that I have included some of the conclusions of our sister-community in San Francisco.

I hope you enjoy.

Who Am I?
Why Am I Here?
How Will I Survive?
How Can I Belong?
What About My Struggles?
Our summary from Sept. 30
-Relationship to others:  servant, openness, hospitality
-Relationship with Christ:  Identity in Christ, Love of God, Fear of God, Pray
-Relationship with Future:  Believe, Be Alert, Don’t mislead
-Be Content:  Childlike
-External/ “Follow Me”
  • Concern for Neighbor
  • Justice
  • Shine/Sow
  • The “Way”
  • Kingdom focus: paradox
  • Communion with God
Love Enemies
Follow Jesus:  Seek Kingdom first
Faith-  Look to God for contentment
“Don’t Fear”
Wise Speech- (ex: speak the truth)
Propagate peace (ex: be reconciled to others, other before self)
Deal Righteously/ Ethically
Gracious Generosity (ex: Last being first)
Intimacy with Jesus- Aware and responding to His pursuit
Ask for help
Confession:  to God and other
Obey Jesus words
Don’t serve money
Have Confidence in God’s Care
Ask with Expectation
Pray discreetly
Pray according to the pattern “our father…”
Make the realization of God’s purposes your highest priority
Seek humility
Be a servant
Welcome the poor and lonely and act for their benefit
Welcome children and choose with the good of future generations in mind.
Practice and teach “the way” to others
Pray that more liberators will be sent out
Do not be greedy or hoard wealth and possessions
Choose God’s kingdom over wealth
Do not worry about your physical needs
Do not be afraid
Be generous and give to the poor discretely
Pay your taxes and don’t rely on Government solutions
Overcome anger
Seek reconciliation with those you’ve wronged
Take marriage vows very seriously
Keep your promises
Love one another, including your enemies
Forgive those who wrong you
Do not judge
Be discerning about who you trust
Do to others as you would have them do to you
Address offenses relationally
Live in solidarity with like-minded people
Deal seriously with your sins
Exercise discipline and abstinence discreetly
Be discerning about who you identify with and avoid hypocrisy
Deny yourself and die to self-preservation
Be watchful, aware and prepared
Hear the teaching and put it into practice
Understand that the way is about character—not religious asceticism
Listen carefully and consider what you hear
Embrace persecution and misunderstanding
Choose the lonely way to life
Relation-ship to:
Lord’s Prayer
Pray like this:
Our Father who Art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy name
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
Forgive us our sins while we forgive those who sin against us
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.

5 column summary from week 4


  1. » Jesus and the Other: A Survey of Matthew’s Gospel » Tony Kriz - January 27, 2013

    […]  We have done this is in numerous ways (here is an example of one of our experiments in process: Jesus Dojo #2 and how we applied the results: Be @ Peace […]