"Envision" and "Ethnic Space"

My dear friend Richard invited me to a small group retreat called “Envision” at a ranch in the Northern Coastal Range with an incredible gathering of scholars from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds. It was a great honor. I am really not sure how much I added to the dialogue but I know that I was honored to just sit near and under such thoughtful followers of the Jesus-Way like Randy Woodley, Soong-Chan Rah, Andrea Smith, Richard Twiss, Lisa Sharon Harper and Terry LeBlanc (to name a few).

One of the “take-aways” from that time was being introduced to a new website called “EHTNIC SPACE” http://ethnicspace.wordpress.com/.   If you have a chance please check it out.

One of the first entries is titled, “When Going to Church is Sin”.

One Response to “"Envision" and "Ethnic Space"”

  1. That’s way more cveler than I was expecting. Thanks!


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