Native-American Scholar Answers, “Why Don’t You Chuck Christianity?”

Dr. Woodley has a wonderful life, a communal farm, a beautiful family and a profoundly meaningful Cherokee heritage… Why then does he cling so strongly to the Jesus-Way as well?
Dr. Randy Woodley is a professor at George Fox Seminary. He is the director of Eagles Wings Ministries and Eloheh Community and Farm. He is also the author of “Shalom and the Community of Creation, An Indigenous Vision” and “Living in Color”.  #OffTheHighway Subscribe



  1. This White Millennial Speaks Out | Matthew Wimer - June 26, 2015

    […] up my brothers and sisters of all Races and Ethnicities, and honor who they are and their history. As Dr. Woodley suggests, I can help change the Kingdom—imagery which suggests a hierarchy, a greater and a lesser—into […]

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