Publications over the Last Couple of Weeks

Hey friends,

It has been a busy couple of weeks.  In addition to completing the initial manuscript to my new book, “Aloof: Figuring out life with a GOD who HIDES,” I have also been traveling and publishing.

I spent a few days in Washington state and had a wonderful trip to Nashville with my buddy Phil and his family.  Also, big thanks to Micky and KC for helping set up the TN trip.

So here are a few places to hang out if you like:

For the polyglots out there.  You will be entertained to see that I have been published in German.  It is my first hardback book as well.  Die Weisheit Des Barkeepers

Blessings,  Tony

One Response to “Publications over the Last Couple of Weeks”

  1. Glad to see that you’re getting another book published. Have a Merry Christmas, Tony.


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