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Help Us Build a Hospital for Malnourished Infants

Hey friends, We just got home from 2 weeks in Guatemala with Julie and Sean Hall and their family.  What a great time!! While there, we worked with a non-profit called “God’s Child Project” (  We built a house, distributed food AND… We learned about an incredible opportunity to rescue hundreds of sick and starving […]

Video: Sacred Friendship is Like Enjoying a Sunset

There is no “my team” and “the other team.”  Sacred friendship means we meet one another on level ground…  we stand shoulder to shoulder, without hierarchies. It is very much like enjoying a sunset. Please watch this 25 minute talk on non-hierarchical sacred friendship from last week for my friends at Azusa Pacific University. Click […]

“Get involved in what God is doing because it is already blessed” -Bono I have been working on a Generous Life film project.  We are making a series of films designed to encourage people to live courageous lives of giving. Here is the first to be released.  It utilizes footage from Bono’s National Prayer Breakfast speech.  I hope you are inspired. “God is in the slums, in […]

Discussing Advent in Pittsburgh

I have a monthly radio spot on WordFM in Pittsburgh on “The Ride Home with John and Kathy show.” This month we got into a conversation on Advent. Listen in here then share your thoughts below on what it means to practice a meaning-filled Advent. (My interview begins at 1:10:40)

New Endorsement for ALOOF from Timothy Kurek

I am very honored to receive another endorsement of ALOOF from the author of best-selling book, Cross and the Closet, Timothy Kurek. Here is what he had to say: “Tony Kriz is my hero, the authentic voice to a generation of believers that bought into ‘the jazz’. Spend time with his writing and you’ll be […]

Why Do People Hate On Frank Schaeffer?

In yesterday’s episode of #OffTheHighway, Frank Schaeffer takes the time to explain how he can be “an atheist who believes in God.”  If you haven’t had a chance to listen, click over to the Off The Highway page to hear this thought-provoking 4 minute video. In my complex sphere of friends (and yes I am […]

A First Hand Journey to Ferguson, Entry #1

My name is Tony Kriz. I am white and living comfortably in Portland, Oregon. We are all pained to process the events in Ferguson, Missouri. So very many of us wish we could dial back the clock, but we can’t. We want to respond, to help… or at least be present… In response to these […]

The Movies that "Save" Us

I recently wrote a blog post talking about the profound impact that the movie “Good Will Hunting’ had on me in the most difficult year of my life.  I believe it is safe to say that GWH “saved” me in some very real ways: The post was surprisingly popular, so I thought I would throw […]