Archive by Author

"Be @ Peace" Project

What does it mean to “Be @ Peace”? A geo-political definition of peace would simply be “not currently at war”. In fact wars end with “peace talks” or a “peace accord”. One day two nations are trying to wipe each other from the face of the earth and the next day they are at peace. […]

Dojo chart from week four

Here is our synthesis work thus far.  It is written in the form of a chart.  We read the four gospels.  We recorded the life and teachings of Jesus, as a series of commands, examples and teachings.  This chart is an attempt to synthesize those teaching into five core categories:  identity, purpose, security, community and […]

What Do You Do When…

You know the way it feels. You have been there, just as I have many times before. How am I supposed to feel? How am I supposed to react? Is it okay to ask if anything is wrong? I am talking about when someone crying, politely dismisses themselves from a group gathering. Try as they […]

Losing the “right” to judge

When must I release the right (perceived) to question another’s motives? He was older than me. How much older? It is hard to say, his appearance clearly weathered by hard years. His clothes were disheveled and looked like he had had not changed in several days. Even though he weaved slightly as he walked, I […]

Imagine a life…

Imagine a life surrounded by integrated community. It may not be easy or exotic. But it would be meaningful. What picture comes to mind? It might be epitomized by a family dinner around a huge table, as luxurious in conversation as it is in food.

Jesus Dojo, Week Two

Here are a couple of the documents from our Week Two session. The first is called “Synthesizing Chart”.  This is an handout to help you organize your study of one of the Gospels.  Remember, your goal is to make an thoughtful list of the “attributes of one who follows the Jesus-Way.”  This list will include: […]

Entering the Jesus Dojo

We are trying something that is, quite frankly, a little risky. The Myers family and the Kriz family have committed to an experiment in the Jesus-way. It is action-based, communal spiritual formation. The Jesus Dojo was pioneered in San Francisco by my old friend Mark Scandrette and the folks of ReIMAGINE.

Dr. John Perkins Visits Reed College

One of my living heroes is Dr. John Perkins. The first time that I ever had a chance to be with this contemporary saint was many years ago, when he graciously accepted our invitation to speak to the students at Reed College. The following video tells just a bit of that beautiful story.

"LOST" Part 2

Is something lost simply because it is? Is it a matter of ontological definition that a lost-thing is just the sort of thing that is in fact “lost”? At its core, the lost-thing is simply displaced, isolated and alone. Lost is in fact an identity. Is it?